
Project Manager by day. Designer and Entrepreneur by night.

Sound familiar? Well…maybe if Bruce Wayne spent his days managing strategic sales projects and providing insights to stakeholders through data analysis...and Batman spent his nights immersed in Adobe Illustrator and strategizing how to grow his side business.

But unlike the well-loved superhero, I do not wish to keep my alter-ego a secret. I believe that data-driven mindsets and design-driven mindsets are not mutually exclusive and are actually strongest when working in tandem to drive results.

With my interdisciplinary skill sets and perspectives, I help build bridges in cross-functional environments to ultimately reach a common goal. Determined to pursue a career path that brings both my analytical and creative sides together, I am constantly looking for opportunities that can incorporate both.

Professionally, I am motivated by vision and inspiration, thrive in positions that give me creative freedom, and work best on projects/programs that I can see through and engage with from beginning to end.

Personally, I am someone whose passions are fed through creativity, views things analytically, and likes to work on several projects at once. For example, one of my hobbies is running a small e-commerce business. As a one-woman show, I enjoy both the artistic aspects that come with designing the products and photographing products, as well as the analytical aspects that come with daily business operations.